Thermocouple Adaptor
CA-386-TC Thermocouple Adaptor
CA-386-TC Thermocouple Adaptor allows the connection of up to two type K thermocouples. The unit includes the temperature measurement device which controls the action of the cold junction compensation. This adaptor is always used with the FE-386-TC dual thermocouple amplifier module.
Screw Terminal Block Adaptor
CA-366-TB Terminal Block Adaptor
The CA-366-TB is an adaptor which allows the connection using screw terminals of a pair of transducers to the FE-366-TA module, FE-376-IP module, or FE-396-FV module.
Coaxial Connector Adaptor
CA-376-IP Coaxial Connector Adaptor
The CA-376-IP is an adaptor for transducers which terminate in coaxial (BNC) connectors. Typically used with the FE-376-IP ICP® amplifier module, it is also suited to the FE-396-FV Frequency to Voltage converter module, and the FE-366-TA transducer amplifier.
Adaptor for FE-366
Adaptor for FE-366-TA to be used with RTD temperature transducers
The CA-366-RTD is an adaptor which enables the FE-366-TA module to be used with RTD type temperature transducers.
Output panel for FE-MM40
Output panel for FE-MM40
The MAC-40C is an adaptor for the FE-MM40 system.
Output panel for FE-MM8
Output panel for FE-MM8
The MAC-8C is an adaptor for the FE-MM8 system.